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Social Media Monitoring

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this programme is to effectively gather, disseminate and communicate information about elections and other democratic processes in Liberia.


Specific Objectives

The programme’s specific objectives are:

  • Disseminate credible, objective information to all citizens about elections and democratic processes.
  • To enhance the capacity of media practitioners and information officers on election reporting.
  • To provide a platform for electoral information sharing amongst the various stakeholders and citizens

Target Groups

Whilst this component of the program is targeting the electorate it will also focus on

targeting the journalists, news editors, content creators, citizen journalist, social media bloggers, stringers, youths, policymakers, political parties, the EMB and researchers


  • Building and maintaining relationships with local, regional and key international media outlets and journalists and other key election stakeholders
  • Drafting and issuing press releases and statements; organising press conferences, and briefings and promoting LEON staff as election experts in their fields.
  • Repackaging and dissemination of information from other programs through social media and traditional media (statements, newsletters, alerts, articles, editorials, nuggets, tweets, Facebook posts, flyers, blogs etc.)
  • Creating information-sharing platforms
  • Coordination of election messaging through information taskforces
  • Training workshops for journalists and information officers reporting on elections.
  • Media seminars on specific topics and issues
  • Engaging the media outlets’ editors to influence editorial policy – and workshops for editors
  • Training curriculum for media practitioners on conflict sensitive reporting
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